
美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台,Michael Merschel报道

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把你的心想象成一座房子. Jorge Alvarez, an interventional cardiologist at Methodist Cardiology Clinic of San Antonio. 你房屋的墙垣、如同你心的墙垣. 有门,也就是阀门. 然后你有管道和电力.


这使得接种COVID-19疫苗成为可能, 流感和 other illnesses an important way for people with heart disease to protect themselves.

这一事实可能会在新信息的漩涡中消失, 更不用说误传了, 周围的疫苗. 既然 新型COVID-19疫苗 is available – and can be given at the same time as the flu shot – here are more straightforward answers from the experts on what people with cardiovascular issues should know about viruses and 疫苗.


心脏问题和感染在很多方面都有联系. 其中之一是炎症. Saate Shakil, an assistant professor of cardiology at the University of California, San Francisco.

由病毒引起的疾病, 比如冠状病毒, 流感和呼吸道合胞病毒, RSV, 会引起炎症. 肺炎等细菌性疾病也是如此.

If you have coronary heart disease, blood flow is restricted by plaque-filled arteries. 在这种情况下, 炎症会导致斑块破裂, 引起心脏病发作或中风的血凝块和阻塞的动脉, 说Shakil, 谁研究过COVID-19与中风之间的联系.


– Problems such as heart attacks and heart failure (the inability of the heart to pump properly) occur in about 20% of adults hospitalized with RSV, 根据… 2018年的研究 发表在《沙巴足球体育平台》上.

- COVID-19与心律不齐风险增加有关, 心脏衰竭和冠心病. 在一个 2021年发表的研究报告 在《沙巴足球体育平台》杂志上, COVID-19 was associated with a threefold to eightfold increased risk of having a heart attack and a threefold to sevenfold increased risk of having a stroke.

-心脏病发作的风险可能高达 高六倍 在流感确诊后的一周内, 2018年发表在《沙巴体育平台点击进入》上的一项研究发现.

A virus doesn't have to attack the heart directly to endanger it, Shakil said. 肺炎患者可能呼吸困难,这会使心脏紧张.

与此同时, 阿尔瓦雷斯说, a high fever caused by infection can sometimes lead to heart rhythm issues in certain people.


阿尔瓦雷斯把心血管疾病比作篝火. Cholesterol, which leads to arterial plaque, is like a growing pile of wood in his analogy. 炎症就是打火液. 病毒或细菌感染是引发这一切的导火索.

A vaccine, he said, is like a bucket of water for that match, stopping the whole process.

A 研究信 2月份发表在JACC上的一篇文章发现,在超过1.900万人感染了冠状病毒, 接种疫苗与较低的心脏病发作风险有关, 中风和其他心血管沙巴体育平台点击进入.

与此同时,接种流感疫苗可以降低中风的风险. In 一个分析 发表在2021年的《沙巴体育平台点击进入》上, flu vaccination also was associated with an 18% lower chance of death from cardiovascular problems and a 25% lower chance of death from any cause.

疾病控制和预防中心 says that people who have heart disease or have had a stroke should talk to their health care team about vaccinations for COVID-19, 流感和 肺炎球菌病包括肺炎和脑膜炎. 他们还应该及时接种百白破疫苗, 哪种能预防白喉, 破伤风和百日咳(也称为百日咳).

疾控中心也建议这样做 60岁及以上成年人 询问新的呼吸道合胞病毒疫苗.

卫生保健专业人员可以就其他疫苗提供建议, 以及是否要避免某些配方. 例如, 美国疾病控制与预防中心说 怀孕的人, have weakened immune systems or are 50 and older should not receive the nasal spray flu vaccine, 哪种是基于病毒的活疫苗. “这并不是说他们不能接种疫苗,”Shakil说. “只是疫苗的类型必须为他们量身定制."


疫苗可能有副作用. COVID-19疫苗, 例如, 是否与罕见的心肌炎和心包炎有关, 心脏炎症的类型.

这必须结合具体情况来看待. Gregory 广场, director of vascular medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

"What we're talking about with the risks of the vaccine are very infrequent events,广场说, 他还是哈佛医学院的医学副教授. "And you pit that against the large degree of benefit that you get" by reducing the severity of COVID-19 and reducing the odds of being hospitalized or having a cardiovascular complication.


广场, 谁设计并监督了一项针对COVID-19患者的全国性大型研究, 称严重副作用的范围“非常小”. 非常非常小.“例如,一些接种疫苗的人有血栓的问题.

"But many people have issues with blood clots if they are hospitalized because of COVID-19,广场说. A 研究 in England published in Circulation in 2022 found 10,500 more cases of dangerous blood clots among 1.COVID-19患者比没有COVID-19的预期增加了400万.

当阿尔瓦雷斯的病人表达对疫苗风险的担忧时, he points out that their risk of getting in a major car accident on the way to his office – a risk they all were comfortable with – is higher than the risk of a serious reaction to the vaccine.


Shakil说,她的病人经常询问疫苗的安全性, 因此,她检查了每位患者的病史,寻找风险. “我看过很多病人, and I don't think there was a single patient where we went through their data and felt like it was risky for them to have the vaccination. 如果有什么区别的话, it would have been more of a risk for them to have gotten COVID and not have been immunized."


Despite their overall benefits, COVID-19 and flu 疫苗 don't stop every infection. 阿尔瓦雷斯说,这并不意味着它们不起作用.

He likens a vaccine to helping your immune system 研究 for a test – it might not score 100%, 但它会比根本不学习的人做得好得多.


对需要接种哪种疫苗感到担忧或困惑? 阿尔瓦雷斯说,询问你的心脏病专家或初级保健医生是可以的.

请他们解释他们的理由,然后对他们所说的持开放态度. "的re should be some thought and some discussion behind some of these things," he said.

没有愚蠢的问题,Shakil说. "的 worst thing that could happen is that you walk away with more information than you came in with."

To find locations that provide COVID-19 and flu 疫苗, visit the federal website 疫苗.政府 或致电800-232-0233.


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