Disaster planning for older adults: What to know this hurricane and wildfire season

By Laura Williamson, American Heart Association News

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When Hurricane Ian struck southwestern Florida in 2022, 它导致150多人死亡,其中大多数是患有心脏相关疾病的老年人, power outage-related accidents, medical equipment failures or a lack of timely access to care.


"A lot of people don't evacuate," said Dr. Lindsay Peterson, 坦帕市南佛罗里达大学老龄化研究学院的研究助理教授. “但对于老年人来说尤其如此,尤其是如果他们没有得到很多警告的话. 把药物和他们每天需要的所有东西装在一起需要沙巴足球体育平台.

“想象一下,带着多种慢性疾病打包旅行,你不知道要离开多久, and you might have just six to 12 hours to do it," she said. "A lot of people say, 'I can't do this. I'm just going to hope for the best.'"

美国国家气象局预测,今年夏秋两季大西洋飓风季将超过正常水平,预计将有多达25个命名风暴和多达7个主要飓风。专家们表示,计划和准备是生存的关键. And not just for hurricanes, but for the increasingly intense storms, heat waves, 野火和其他与气候有关的自然灾害威胁着人们的生命和家园.

Know your risks


"This has become a very complicated proposition in the U.S. as the climate has warmed," said Dr. Lori Peek, 自然灾害中心主任,科罗拉多大学博尔德分校社会学系教授. "It's no longer just coastal populations that are at risk."

The path of a hurricane can cover hundreds of miles, and people far inland can face flooding from storm surges, she said. But forecasters often know well in advance when a hurricane is coming. Peek建议在当地气象服务和灾害机构注册紧急警报.

今年夏秋两季,气温上升也使几个州发生野火的可能性高于正常水平, including parts of New Mexico, Arizona and California.

"Pay attention to the news and the weather service reports," Peterson said. "Do you live in an area where there are wildfires or that floods regularly? Know what your risks really are."

Plan ahead

"The first step is getting a plan in place before disaster strikes," Peek said. "I cannot emphasize enough how important this is."



Whether staying or going, homes should be bolstered against approaching storms and other natural hazards, experts say.

"Start early in preparing your house to leave it," said Dr. Ron Acierno是uthehealth休斯顿创伤和恢复中心的执行主任. "This means knowing how to turn off water and covering windows if possible."

Among other steps, the Federal Emergency Management Agency recommends 安装防飓风百叶窗或用层压板覆盖以保护窗户, glazing or plywood. Outdoor furniture and other items should be stored indoors, mailboxes secured and tree branches trimmed to keep them from falling onto the house.

Then, make plans about where to go and how to get there, said Acierno, 他也是uthehealth麦戈文医学院的精神病学和行为科学教授.

Transportation can be especially challenging for older adults who may rely on buses, 在自然灾害期间,火车或拼车服务可能会供不应求, he said. But it's critical. "You need transportation to get to a shelter, to get food, batteries and water, to evacuate," Acierno said.

For people with vehicles, 做好准备意味着保持它们处于良好的工作状态,并保持油箱满油, Peterson said. For those without one, it's important to have a neighbor, friend or family member who can provide emergency transportation.

The plan should also include where to go in case evacuation becomes necessary. That might be the home of a family member or friend, but it might not be necessary to travel very far to get out of harm's way, she said. "You might only need to go 10 or 20 miles away. Just get outside the risk zone."

没有人陪伴的老年人或有高风险疾病的人可以联系当地的紧急和灾难机构,看看有什么资源可用, Peek said. 一些社区提供有特殊需要的避难所,里面有发电机为医疗设备供电, such as oxygen tanks or dialysis machines, though they may require registration.

"A lot more goes into evacuating someone with a heart condition, 谁会有像轮椅、滑板车或氧气这样需要电力的设备," Peterson said.

Pet-friendly shelters can also make it easier for older adults to relocate, Acierno said, because "older adults will not abandon their 'babies.'"

Before leaving, 一定要把灾中或灾后可能需要的重要文件复印一份,以便获得服务或申请保险索赔, Peterson said. This includes personal identification, medical records and insurance documents.


Peek, who had to evacuate her home during a wildfire in 2020, 建议预留现金和额外的药物,以防需要长沙巴足球体育平台不在家.

Staying in place

Evacuation isn't always necessary, or possible.

"Sometimes, people are truly unable to leave their homes," Peek said. "They may not have transportation, may not have money, may not have people to stay with or may not feel safe leaving their homes unattended."

And the shelters in their area might not be set up for older adults, Acierno said.

"Senior-friendly shelters are few and far between," he said. Shelters often lack quiet areas where seniors can rest, 或者他们要求人们睡在小床上,这对髋关节和关节疼痛的老年人来说尤其不舒服.


"If you are not going to leave, then it's absolutely critical to remember there may not be help that can come to you. Let that set in. Understand the risk that is being assumed," she said.

"And remember that the past is not prologue," Peek said. "Just because your home has not flooded in past hurricanes, that does not mean it won't flood this time."


"Think about the resilience of your home and what you need to do to make yourself safe, possibly without electricity and services for a two- to three-day period," she said. "Stock up on food, water, medicines, everything you need to live. Make a list of the things you need to survive on a daily basis. That is more complicated for someone who is older."

Peek said planning on how to handle power outages is key, especially if the person relies on a medical device for survival. Generators – and enough fuel to keep them going – can help.

Identify gaps and who can fill them

"Know your vulnerabilities," Peek said. "Have extra medications on hand if you have a heart condition. If you know there are other gaps in your planning, then it's really important to reach out to look for resources where you live."

生活在受自然灾害威胁地区的人们的朋友和家人可以伸出援手,帮助制定计划, Peek said.

"If you see your loved one lives in an area under threat, call them," she said. "Call them immediately. Ask how you can assist and support. Some people do not evacuate because they do not want to be a burden. 所以在飓风登陆之前,提供一个住宿的地方或以其他方式提供支持."

And never underestimate a storm's potential, Peek said.

"People often say, 'I didn't think it was going to be this bad.' Those are such tragic words to hear after a disaster," she said. "Be realistic about how serious this storm season could be. We don't ever think it could happen to us."

有关如何防备自然灾害或为老年人寻找资源的更多信息,可通过 Eldercare Locator, funded by the U.S. Administration on Aging.

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